Celebrating the 10th work anniversary of our Head of HR, Patrycja Bytner

The importance of celebrating milesontes    At Macrix, we believe in celebrating milestones and recognizing the contributions of our dedicated team members. We celebrate anniversaries, project successes, individual promotions, but also birthdays and other special occasions inside our teams. Celebrating work anniversaries and other milestones is not just about recognizing the passage of time; celebrating […]
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Future developers in action: Macrix conducts a workshop at IAESTE Case Week!

  From May 6th to 17th, the 15th edition of IAESTE Case Week, the largest series of engineering workshops in Poland, took place. Organized by the IAESTE Poland Association, this year’s event included Macrix workshop on May 14th at Poznan University of Technology, led by Tomasz Dzidek, our Technical Manager. The workshop, titled “Superpowers of […]
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IT infrastructure defense in depth part 4

Before getting to the last part of our series of cybersecurity I encourage You to discover previous one: part 1 part 2 part 3 In this concluding article, we cover the following crucial points: 💡 Application Security & 💡 Data Security. Application Security Application security is a very extensive topic; a whole book could be […]
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The launch of ArconQ – time for celebration!

With the beginning of April, Macrix Technology Group achieved a significant milestone – the first production release of ArconQ, an all-in-one integration platform that revolutionizes the way complex enterprise applications are built, deployed and managed. ArconQ supports companies from a large range of industries to build innovative solutions faster and cheaper. To commemorate this milestone, […]
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IT infrastructure defense in depth part 3

 In this previous two articles about IT infrastructure in depth: part 1 part 2 we talked about IT infrastructure security concerning physical security and network perimeter security. This time we are going to peel another layer of our cybersecurity onion and talk about internal network and host security. Internal Network Security   Internal network security […]
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A Night to Remember: The Macrix Academy Awards Gala 2023

The Macrix Academy Awards Gala: Celebrating Excellence at Macrix The Macrix Academy Awards Gala is like the Oscars, but for the IT world, Macrix world. This annual event celebrates the outstanding achievements of our employees within the Macrix Technology Group. It stands as the most important event of the year, our flagship event that brings […]
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Basics of Clean Architecture with C#

  Introduction to Clean Architecture   What is Clean Architecture?   Clean Architecture, proposed by Robert C. Martin or “Uncle Bob,” is an architectural pattern for software projects aimed at keeping the code clean, modular, and independent of external influences. It isolates the business logic of the application from external details such as user interfaces, […]
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Emotional Intelligence: The Inner Work – Part 2

  Remember our journey into the realm of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in “Emotional Intelligence: Navigating Emotions – Part 1”?   We discovered how emotions, once overlooked, have evolved into essential forces shaping both our personal and professional lives. We explored Goleman’s EQ theory and identified five important parts of EI: self-awareness, self-management, self-motivation, empathy, and social […]
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