Future developers in action: Macrix conducts a workshop at IAESTE Case Week!


From May 6th to 17th, the 15th edition of IAESTE Case Week, the largest series of engineering workshops in Poland, took place. Organized by the IAESTE Poland Association, this year’s event included Macrix workshop on May 14th at Poznan University of Technology, led by Tomasz Dzidek, our Technical Manager.

The workshop, titled “Superpowers of the Single Responsibility Pattern and code review on steroids using AI,” received positive feedback from students.

The workshop was a hands-on session designed to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills in modern software development practices. Key highlights included:

  • Understanding and applying the Single Responsibility Principle
  • Enhancing code quality using AI tools for code reviews
  • Gaining insights into general coding standards and best practices
  • Learning about the Macrix Young Potentials Program and summer internship opportunities


Feedback from participants:


Participants highlighted practical value and the real impact on their coding skills. Here are some of the testimonials:




IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) is a renowned student organization with a 75-year history, operating in more than 85 countries. It supports the development of young engineers and scientists through international internships and workshops.

IAESTE Case Week is a two-week event held at technical universities across Poland, aiming to bridge the gap between students, academia, and business. The 15th edition was held at seven universities: Gdansk University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow University of Technology, and Rzeszow University of Technology. This year 27 workshops were conducted in 6 cities by 18 companies during the whole event.


Macrix’s involvement


Macrix Technology Group decided to participate in IAESTE Case Week because we want help students understand real-world challenges during programming.  The mission of IASTE Case Week – “Learning from experienced practitioners” aligns with the goals of our Young Potentials Program, where learning and skill development are primarily achieved through hands-on practice.

And clearly 4.5 hours is not enough to learn to be a good developer, so we invited participants to apply to our summer Young Potentials Program internship program. More information about application You’ll find here: www.yppmacrix.eu