Thread-safety – how to mytigate potential pitfalls in asynchronous programming

  In many cases, a combination of both synchronous and asynchronous approaches may be used within a single application to optimize performance and responsiveness where needed. The decision ultimately lies with the development team, considering the specific requirements and characteristics of the project. Benefits of choosing async programming Asynchronous programming is a powerful paradigm that […]
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A first look at .NET MAUI

Microsoft recently released its new, highly anticipated cross-platform application building tool .NET MAUI. Does the new tool have what it takes to be a proper successor to Xamarin? And what benefits and new features does it bring to the table for cross-platform developers? Our colleague Piotr Pietrzak had a first look to find out if […]
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Get the most out of LINQ

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a powerful tool that allows developers to harness the power of functional programming in C#. However, when used incorrectly, in can result in queries that are needlessly slow and inefficient. To leverage the full potential of LINQ, it is important to keep a few rules in mind. In this article, we […]
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How to be a Leader?

How to be a good leader? What are the challenges of managing developer teams? And which values are especially important for aspiring leaders? To answer these and other questions, we talked with Kamil Wilkosz, who is a Senior Software Developer at Macrix and team leader of team ECHO, one of our eight development teams.  By […]
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cyber security

Keeping your data safe

In today’s world, it is increasingly difficult to keep our private and business information secure. October is the International Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Let’s explore how we can keep our data safe. The world of cybercrime Back in the days when the Internet was just beginning to explode, the stereotypical hacker was often portrayed as a […]
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mart Factory Macrix GmbH

Smart Factory

Die Smart Factory, oder auch Fabrik der Industrie 4.0, basiert auf intelligenten Einheiten die eigenständig miteinander kommunizieren: Maschinen koordinieren selbstständig Produktionsprozesse, ...
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Künstliche Intelligenz ist eines der großen Zukunftsthemen und spielt eine tragende Rolle in der Weiterentwicklung der intelligenten Fabrik ...
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Industry 4.0

Industrie 4.0?

Die Produktionen werden zunehmen vernetzt, dadurch intelligent und flexibel. Schon heute werden sämtliche in die Fertigung eingebundenen Instanzen –
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